Vercelli Map Published in Virtual Mappa Project

The Virtual Mappa project now holds the publication of the badly-damaged thirteenth-century Vercelli Map. The first stage of the editing process has been completed. Included are an MSI image of the map (annotated), an RBG image (for comparison), and a general description of the map. Dr. Helen Davies and Dr. Heather Wacha have been working on editing and publishing the map’s content for three years and are pleased to announce that half of the mapmaker’s inscriptions have been revealed.

Vercelli Map zoomed out. Blue annotations are complete. White ones will be done Summer 2024. Green have been outlined but left blank by the mapmaker.

Each inscription contains an annotation with a diplomatic transcription, a normalized transcription, an English translation, and relevant notes. These are the inscriptions that appear in blue on the MSI map. Those in white will be complete Summer 2024.

Vercelli Map, Annotation for the Island of Lesbos

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